Can You Help Find Nancy?

Kitten missing in the Northfields area

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Nancy - missing from home


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A forum member writes...

Please Help! Our friendly and adventurous cat Nancy has been missing since the 12th, which is quite out of character for her to not come home.

She is a 9 month old tabby, she has a collar on which was black and had a flying witches motif on it. She is fairly light in colour and has a little bit of ginger on her forehead. 

It is quite possible she has gotten lost in the snow or is stuck in a garage or shed.  She is microchipped. 

Any help will be really appreciated she is a much missed member of our household.  She lives in the Windermere Road/south Lammas Park area of Northfields. 

If you find her please contact me Rachel on 07766815639 or Lee on 07798817570.





January 13th, 2010