Convicted Killer Jailed For Perivale Murder

'Cold- blooded' murder committed by vampire and horror obsessive


Mohammed Khaleel

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A convicted killer who had been staying in a probation hostel in Ealing killed again within months of being released from prison.

Mohammed Khaleel,38, was convicted at the Old Bailey of killing 67-year old Michael Zubrot last August Bank Holiday Monday and jailed for a minimum of 33 years.

Khaleel had been staying at the hostel after serving eight years in jail for killing his friend, David Sheehan, in 2003.

Khaleel was said to be obsessed with the occult and was a vampire and horror fan.

The court heard that, in both cases, Khaleel had cut his victim's throat as he stood behind them.

In January 2003, Khaleel cut the throat of Mr Sheehan, 35, and laid his body out in a cross at his home in Boston Road, Hanwell, west London.

He had stabbed his friend 50 times with a metal knife sharpener and cut his throat with a knife.

At Southwark Crown Court, he was cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of provocation, and jailed for eight years in November 2003.

The judge at the time said it was one of the most savage attacks he had dealt with in 40 years.

During this three-week trial, the jury heard that Mr Zubrot, a retired classical music retailer, was found dead inside his home in Buckingham Avenue in Perivale on 9 September 2010.

The discovery was made by police officers who attended the address following concerns raised by a relative regarding Mr Zubrot's welfare.

A post-mortem gave cause of death as stab injuries to the neck area.

Subsequent inquiries revealed that Mr Zubrot had not been seen or heard from since 30 August 2010.

A forensic examination confirmed that Mr Zubrot had been dead for a period of time prior to being discovered, and that there were no signs of a forced entry into his address.

CCTV inquiries showed that Khaleel had been in the company of Mr Zubrot in Ealing Town Centre during on 30 August 2010.

They both got on a route 297 bus and headed to Mr Zubrot's home in Perivale.

When Khaleel was asked during police interviews how he knew Mr Zubrot, he admitted that they knew each other as 'associates' and that Mr Zubrot had previously tried to sell Khaleel DVDs which he refused to buy.

On Friday 10 September 2010, Khaleel was arrested and then charged on 12 September 2010 with murder.

The Old Bailey heard that Khaleel, who had tried to blame someone else for the killing, had also been released on licence on an earlier occasion, but was recalled after six weeks.

At sentencing, Judge Peter Thornton told him: "This was a cold-blooded killing, particularly savage in its execution."






20 December 2011




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