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Labour launch petitions and Tory MP says Ealing's A and E shouldn't close

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Labour’s GLA candidate for Ealing and Hillingdon has launched petitions to save both Ealing and Central Middlesex hospitals from cuts.

The Central Middlesex Hospital has just announced that it is to shut its emergency department overnight because of concerns it does not have enough staff to run it safely.

The temporary move comes as health service managers begin discussions over what local hospitals will be doing in the future.

It's feared that both Ealing and Central Middlesex could face closure under NHS restructuring plans.

Ealing Labour and Dr Sahota is campaigning to ensure that the NHS listen to local opinion and keep the A&Es at both hospitals open.

Both petitions need to get 1500 signatures to ensure they are debated at full council.

Dr Sahota said, “It is crucial that people across Ealing have access to high quality medical facilities and these cuts and closures will mean patients having to travel longer distances for A&E care.

'' After David Cameron had the audacity to stand outside Ealing Hospital after the election and claim he would not be cutting the NHS, this is not something we can sit back and allow to happen.

''My experience has been that if we give our NHS staff the right facilities, they provide a world class service. I urge local residents to sign up to the petition and ensure that we fight these front line cuts to services at our hospitals.”

Meanwhile, the Ealing Central and Acton Conservative MP Angie Bray says Ealing's Accident and Emergency shouldn't be closed :

 '' Clearly there are several options up for consideration which is not surprising in a complicated merger of this sort.  They all involve a reconfiguration of services across the three hopsitals, Ealing, Central Middlesex and Northwick Park in order to maximise the potential of all three. 

'' This would mean further travel for some patients but would also ensure a more stable future for the hospitals. 

'' NHS London has had a financial deficit for some years now.   The main concern for Ealing residents is whether or not Ealing Hospital will retain its A and E department and I have always said that while a very large number of patients depend on it, then it should most certainly not be closed. 

'' I have asked the Chief Executive at the hospital specifically about this and I have been told that they cannot envisage a case being made successfully to close Ealing's A and E with such demand as it has and if that situation changes then it would in any case trigger a major consultation exercise."  

November 15, 2011

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