West London Ball Hockey Club

Children's hockey in West Ealing

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West London Ball Hockey Club play at the five-a-side football court on Berners Drive, West Ealing (W13 0JT) on Saturday mornings form 9.45 – 10.30. All children between the ages of four and 13 are welcome. No equipment is required

For more information about sessions - visit www.londonballhockey.co.uk


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The West London Ball hockey Club held its second tournament on Saturday 13th March with 34 children participating. We had 4 teams in the Under 8 to under 12 section and for the first time we had a separate Under 6 division with two teams participating. The format for the U8 – U12 section was a round robin tournament. The results were as follows:

Round 1

The Senators (team in Red in the pictures) team was defeated by the Screaming Eagles (team in Yellow in the pictures) 2 – Nil. Scorers for the Eagles were Noa Schinas and Alister Rae. Meanwhile Eden Lawler recorded a shutout in goal. In the other game the Canucks (team in Green in the pictures) team defeated the Maple Leafs (team in Blue in the pictures) by a score of 2 – 1 in a closely fought battle. Both of the Canucks goals were scored by Cullen Allain while the Maple Leafs lone goal was scored by Aaron ‘AJ’ Dixon.

Round 2

The Maple Leafs stormed back from their defeat by defeating the Senators 3 – Nil. Noah Robbins scored 2 goals for the Maple leafs and Callum O’Brien had the other one. The Maple Leafs team played strong defense thus enabling Morwena Spencer to earn a shutout in goal. The other game was another hard fought battle with the Eagles Alister Rae scoring late in the game to earn a 1 – 1 tie. Torin Street was the scorer for the Canucks.

Round 3

The Sentors and Canucks played a close match which ended up in a 1 – 1 tie. Caleb Lawler scored for the Senators and Cullen Allain for the Canucks. In the other Game the Screaming Eagles just managed to squeak by the Maple Leafs 1 – Nil on a goal by Noa Schinas. Once again Eden Lawler earned the shutout in goal. This victory managed to secure top place in the tournament for the Screaming Eagles team. The members of the winning team were: Noa Schinas, Alister Rae, Eden Lawler, Filip Amanovic, Evan Spencer and Matthew Parsons.

Award Winners from Tournament 13 March

Most Sportsmanlike

Maple Leafs (Blue) - Tasman Roberts;

Canucks (Green) - Torin Street

Senators (Red) - Oliver Spencer;

Screaming Eagles (Yellow) - Alister Rae, Noa Schinas

Top Player

Maple Leafs (Blue) - Noah Robbins – who led his team with two goals

Canucks (Green) - Cullen Allain – leading scorer in the tournament with three goals

Senators (Red) - Caleb Lawler – who led his team with one goal

Screaming Eagles (Yellow) - Eden Lawler -who earned 2 shutouts in 3 games. She only allowed 1 goal in 3 games for a 0.33 goals against average

Winning Team - Yellow (Screaming Eagles) coached by Ryan Allain

Leading Goal Scorers for this term as of the 13 March are:

Caleb Lawler 13

James Reid-Thomas & Noa Schinas 9

Jessica Rae & Alister Rae 7

Cullen Allain 5

In the under 6 division the Oilers (team in Blue in the U6 pictures) team played the Raiders (team in Green in the U6 pictures) team with the Raiders earning a 3 – 2 win. Goal scorers for the Raiders were Trim Bravo with 2 and Matthew Everett with one goal. Samuel Spencer replied with 2 goals for the Oilers. Matthew Everett, Trim Bravo and Samuel Spencer are all now tied for the lead in goals for the term in the Under 6 division. Players of the game were Trim Bravo for the Raiders and Samuel Spencer for the Oilers.




March 17th, 2010


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