Helen's Reached Her Peak - 3 Times

And raised vital funds in memory of her friend, Tom Clabburn

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Helen Scott climed three peaks for charity

CRY charity


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Ealing teenager Helen Scott completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge on Easter Saturday and raised more than £400 for charity.

The challenge had to be completed within 12 hours and Helen, 16, from Clitherow Avenue, finished with an hour to spare. She scaled Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough, a climb totalling around 5,200 feet and a distance of some 25 miles.

Helen said the walk had given her ' ... a whole new understanding of exhaustion but it was all worth it and I'd like to thank everybody who supported me by helping me to raise funds and exceed my target.'

The money raised will go towards the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund run by Cardiac Risk in the Young. Tom, from Ealing, a family friend of Helen's, died from an undiagnosed heart condition aged 14 in 2007. The money is used to provide free heart screenings for young people.

The charity has been prominent recently following the collapse of 23-year-old Bolton footballer Fabrice Muamba from a heart condition during a televised FA Cup tie against Spurs. CRY estimate that 12 young people aged between 14-35 die each week from undiagnosed heart conditions.


12th April 2012


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