Tree Planting at Haslemere

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The Friends of Haslemere, who are involved in the wildlife reserve situated behind Boston Road, W7, Cardiff Road, Clitherow Avenue and Haslemere Avenue, are hoping that the good weather keeps up for their tree planting day that takes place this Sunday (27/03) at 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

With around thirty trees to plant in the new orchard, the group are hoping that helpers will arrive to help plant them … and someone with a camera too to document the day!
The entry to the site is from Cardiff Road (Boston Road end) which used to be tennis courts. Over the years the site has seen much progress and, although it may appear at a snails pace to many it really is being transformed on a weekly basis.

For 15 years the local residents association (BMRA) lobbied the council to turn the area over to the community rather than to a property speculator. Neighbours became suspicious when it was rumoured that someone tried to purchase properties with access to the site with a view to knocking them down and then the inevitable, building on the plot.
In the end the Council became the group’s allies and over the years together they have helped improve the site.

In the early days the local pharmaceutical company GSK, whilst building their own headquarters on the A4, negotiated for their contractors to help clear some of the tarmac and to dig a pond which was a tremendous start for the group who formed in the same year 1999.
Working parties and barbecues followed, where the neighbourhood came out and carried out tasks under the guidance and watchful eye of the Ealing Ranger Service.

The group were pleased to hear this week that Jon Skoyles, the Ranger responsible for the Northfield Ward, is to continue working for Ealing Council after the recent cuts so should be in good spirit on the day.
The Friends of Haslemere our particularly grateful to the Community Payback team who have grafted over the past year digging up the asphalt by hand and to Day Aggregates who have waived a magic wand to enable much of the spoils to be removed from site.

In the words of the A Team “Its good when a plan comes together”

Linda Massey


25 March 2011


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