Woman From Hanwell Killed By Falling Branch at Kew

Inquest opened after tragic death on Sunday


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A 31-year-old woman - originally from New Zealand but who lived in Hanwell - died instantly after being hit by a falling branch at Kew Gardens.

An inquest has heard that Erena Louise Wilson received "non-survival head injuries" when she was hit by the Lebanese cedar branch on Sunday.

Metropolitan Police officer Simon Young said witnesses heard a loud crack thinking it was thunder.

They then turned around to see the account manager covered in branches.

Mr Young said Ms Wilson, who was born in Wellington, New Zealand, was out walking with friends when she was hit by the falling branch.

Speaking at West London Coroner's Court, he said they heard a loud crack which they thought was thunder or similar he continued: ''They looked up and saw the tree branch descending.

"They then ran and then looked back around and the lady was on the floor in an uncomfortable position, to say the least. There were lots of branches all around her."

Mr Young, who attended the scene to take statements, said the post-mortem examination found the cause of death to be multiple injuries.

The incident is being investigated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

The inquest was adjourned to a later unfixed date.


26th September 2012


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