Husband Found Guilty of Geeta Murder

28 year old killed in Greenford in 'savage and determined attack'

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The husband of Greenford mother Geeta Aulakh has been found guilty of murdering her after she began divorce proceedings.

The 28 year old mother-of-two had her hand severed with a machete during the attack in Braund Avenue in 2009.

Aftab Jafferjee QC, prosecuting, said behind the "savage and determined" attack was Harpreet Aulakh's "chilling" reaction to his wife's desire to leave him.

"Geeta Aulakh was in the process of divorcing him and that would not be tolerated," he said.

"No one else in the world could possibly have wished this utterly innocent and hard-working woman and mother any harm."

The court was told Aulakh, 32, had ordered the murder after his wife plucked up the courage to ask for a divorce following years of abuse and harassment by him.

He was wrongly convinced that she was having an affair with another man.

He had thought he was in the clear because he made sure he was captured on CCTV in a pub at the time of the murder.

In more CCTV footage shown to the court, Aulakh could be seen buying the machete in a store just days before the murder.

Sher Singh, 19, of Southall, west London, and Jaswant Dhillon, 30, of Ilford, east London, were also found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey.

Jurors are still considering the case of Harpreet Singh, 20, of Slough, Berkshire, and were sent home to continue deliberations on Friday.

Mr Singh denies murder.

Ealing Council Leader Julian Bell, who is also ward councillor for Greenford Broadway where the attack took place, has issued the following statement.

Councillor Julian Bell said:

"This was a horrific murder that has sent shock waves through the whole community. It is always sad when someone is taken away from us, but this really was in the most appalling of circumstances.

"We hope that now her killers have been brought to justice Mrs Aulakh’s family can find peace and begin the difficult process of rebuilding their lives. Our thoughts are with them and also with her many friends and colleagues.

"I would like to pay tribute to the detectives who I know have worked tirelessly to bring her murderers to trial.”


02 December 2010

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