How Are You Doing With Your Get Fit Resolutions?

Expert advice from personal trainer Roy Summers


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How is 2013 for you so far? Did you say (yet again) - as so many of us do - that this is the year that you are going to lose weight and get fit?

It's good to have goals, and close to home there's none other than the second Ealing Marathon to look forward to.

Maybe you wanted to do it last year but chickened out - well this time don't!

There's plenty of time to start training and believe me, just completing it (even when most others have gone home) will make you feel great.

Personal Trainer, Roy Summers says, in order to stand any chance of keeping your 2013 health and fitness resolutions alive you must……………


*If you want to lose weight write down how many Lbs you want to lose by when

*If you want to tone up, write down how many inches you want to lose, or what size you want to be and by what date

*If you want to eat more healthily, write down how many pieces of fruit and veg you want to eat every day and shop accordingly

*Get an instructor or personal trainer at your gym to take your Body Fat/Blood Pressure/Pulse Rate and decide on how much reduction in these figures you want by a specific date

* If you want to exercise more then write down how many times you can do so weekly and for how long each time

You will see the common threads here are:

  • Write things down
  • Be realistic
  • Be specific

Why don’t you start by writing down your specific goals, targets and dates for them to be achieved by.



16th January 2013


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