Something Fishy is Going on in Northfields |
New shop in W13 is quite a catch
Trade has been extra brisk in Northfields this week and it's not just because of Christmas shopping. Customers have been pleased to welcome a new addition to Northfields Avenue. Poisson Ltd - a fish shop - opened for business on Tuesday December 1st. Former journalists Katie and Simon Osborne have turned their passion for good food into a business they believe fills a huge gap in the market. Food writer and Billingsgate Market Seafood School director CJ Jackson officially opened the shop in Devonshire House, Northfield Avenue and signed copies of her latest book the Billingsgate Market Cookbook, which is available for purchase in the shop. London fishmonger Charlie Caisey, MBE, who has mentored Simon and Katie throughout their re-training, also helped to celebrate the launch of their new venture Simon, 41, and Katie, 39, have completed a series of courses at Billingsgate and spent the summer and autumn setting up the business. Katie said: “Our research tells us there is a very strong demand for a fishmonger in Northfields Avenue and we are going to satisfy that appetite with a wide range of top-quality fresh fish. “It’s been hard work with lots of early mornings and sleepless nights but having had a very successful first week of trading we believe it will be worth it.” A recent Which? survey found that most shoppers want to see a return of the independent fishmonger to their local high street and Simon believes the time is right to open a wet fish shop in Northfields. “All the people we’ve spoken to think it’s a fantastic idea and are really looking forward to popping in to pick up their fresh fish,” he said. “We all know that fish and seafood is a really healthy food that we should be eating more of and now there is a local shop selling the very best available. “We’ve got four kids who all love fish and shellfish but we’ve sometimes struggled to get hold of it and I know from the school gate that lots of families are the same. “Northfields Avenue is a great shopping street with wonderful butchers and bakers and other independent retailers. “Friends and neighbours have often commented that the only thing missing is a good fishmonger and we are delighted to be filling that gap in the market.”
December 9th, 2009