Elderly Couple Rescued From House Fire in Greenford

Kettle left on hob thought to have been to blame


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An elderly couple have been rescued from their burning house in Greenford following a blaze which is thought to have been caused by a kettle left on the hob.

The fire broke out in the early hours of the morning at Lyndhurst Road and neighbours who heard the smoke alarm have been praised for calling the fire service so promptly.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus rescued the couple who were suffering from smoke inhalation, they have been taken to hospital.

A small part of the two storey terraced house was damaged by the blaze.

Watch Manager Lucy Macleod, who was at the scene, said:

“The crews did really well to contain the fire swiftly and minimise damage to the property. Neighbours who knew the couple called 999 when they heard the smoke alarm, which meant we were able to get there quickly before the fire had spread too much. If those neighbours hadn’t have called the Brigade, when they did, things could have ended tragically.”

Two fire engines from Southall fire station attended the scene with a around 10 firefighters. The Brigade was called at 0329 and the fire was under control at 0413.


1st October 2012


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