The Gloves Are Off in Southall |
Labour launch personal attack on Tory candidate
Local Labour politicians have sent an open letter to David Cameron claiming that Councillor Gurcharan Singh, the Conservative candidate for Ealing Southall, is unfit to be an MP. Allegations in the letter - which is signed by Labour's parliamentary candidate Virendra Sharma and Southall's Labour ward councillors - include improper conduct with charity money and violence against another councillor. The letter entitled "SHAME ON YOU DAVID CAMERON FOR ENDORSING GURCHARAN SINGH AS A TORY CANDIDATE - IS THIS MAN FIT TO BE A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT?" was sent on April 28th. Mr Sharma and Mr Singh have been engaged in political fighting since Mr Singh defected from Labour to the Conservatives in 2007. Ealing Southall Labour Party say they sent the letter to alert Mr Cameron about Mr Singh's political career which they claim '''makes him wholly unsuitable to be a Parliamentary candidate.'' However Mr Singh has described the attack as 'the ramblings of a desperate man'. Posting on a local election blog he said : ''In response to the 'open letter' to David Cameron about my suitability as a candidate, the 'facts' Mr Sharma and his cohorts present are so outrageous and clearly the ramblings of a desperate man and his flailing party. Neither I nor the Conservative Party feel the need to dignify them with a response." Both Mr Singh and the Liberal Democrat candidate for Ealing Southall, Nigel Bakhai, have criticised Mr Sharma for failing to attend a debate on the threat to A&E services at Ealing Hospital. Mr Sharma sent a statement of support for the hospital which was read out on his behalf during the debate at Dormers Wells High School on April 28, but he has refused to share a platform with Mr Singh.
May 1, 2010