Poppy Has Been Found!

A little girl will be reunited with her much loved doll

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Lydia due to be reunited with her missing doll Poppy



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Following a plea via the Ealing Today forum we are delighted to report that Poppy - Lydia's doll has been found.

Kate Farmer had initially written the sad news that the 3 year old's doll, a baby Annabel, had disappeared between The Little Art Room on Boston Road and Rosebank Road on Saturday morning.

She explained Poppy was very special because she was wearing a blue woollen dress that was knitted by her (now deceased) Grandma.

Yesterday Laura Cummins was able to tell Kate some very happy news, she said:

'' I saw Poppy! She was sitting on the windowsill of the Royal Victoria pub (I think that's what it's called? It's the pub next to the Horseshoe). I remember noticing the handknit dress.'

Kate said:

''Laura, thank you so much for your post. We have called The Royal and she is safe inside, my husband is going to collect her tomorrow. You have absolutely made my day. Thanks again.''


All's well that ends well, with thanks to the Ealing Today forum.




9th June 2011


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