Big Fine For Dirty Street

Landowner punished for not keeping road clean




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A property owner has been ordered to pay out almost £5,000 as punishment for failing to comply with a notice requiring him to keep a private service road in South Ealing clean.

Michael Aristidou appeared at Ealing Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, 5 November and pleaded guilty to four offences, all for failing to comply with the notice from Ealing Council. He was fined £4,000 and ordered to pay £792.32 court costs.

Aristidou, of Gerrards Cross, owns Ealing Park Mansions, a parade of shops and flats on South Ealing Road and the service road behind. Ealing Council envirocrime prevention officers served him with a notice in March after they noticed a build up of litter. The notice meant Aristidou was required to carry out a thorough clean-up of the area and continue to clear it of litter. He had failed to do this when officers inspected the site on a number of occasions in June.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Services, Councillor Sue Emment, said: “I am pleased to see the court taking this kind of issue so seriously. This is a huge fine. Our officers are working hard to keep the borough clean for everybody’s benefit and if people choose to ignore the warnings they can expect to find themselves in court.”

Aristidou told the court he now has an agreement with a private company to clean the land on a regular basis.




November 10, 2009

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