Anger Over Dead Fish in Walpole Park |
Was the diversion of fountain's power supply to blame?
Residents say the deaths of hundreds of fish in Walpole Park could have been avoided if council officers had listened to concerns and taken action earlier. The problem appears to have been caused by the fountain which circulates and aerates the water in 'Swan Lake' - the home to many fish and wildlife. Information given to the Kingsdown Residents' Association (KRA) has revealed that power was diverted from the fountain's pump and used for children’s rides during the recent Ealing Summer Festivals held in the park. They believe the fountain may not have been working properly from July 7th - when the festivals began. It is quite possible that this led to a decline in oxygen in the water. Judy Breens of Kingsdown Residents' Association says the lake was in a very poor state and they had warned the Parks Department about it at the end of July but no action was taken. KRA has written an official complaint to the Council and also been in contact with The Environment Agency who say the recent heavy rainfall in the small shallow lake probably finished the fish off. Mrs Breens says: ''Action is now too late for the fish and this sorry tale could have been avoided." A council spokesperson said: '' We are investigating why fish in one of the ponds in Walpole Park have died. A team is going straight to the park to remove any dead fish. ''We are carrying out tests on the water to identify the source of the problem and if necessary will consult an aquatic expert.''
17 August 2010 |