New Initiative on Ealing Arts Scene

Four leading arts venues unite to promote 'Creative Ealing'

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Four leading arts venues in Ealing have joined forces to promote the borough's arts scene. At the launch event on 12 December, they revealed their plans and the name of their venture, 'Creative Ealing'.

Andrea Bath, from The Questors Theatre, announced that their initial plans include working together on publicity. "We've already got a website up and running at with information and links to help local residents and visitors discover what's happening at our venues - and we're already talking with other Ealing venues to enlarge the project."

The four venues who have initiated the venture are The Drayton Court Hotel, The Ealing Club, OPEN Ealing and The Questors Theatre. Alistair Young from The Ealing Club said, "This summer MOJO magazine described Ealing as the cradle of British rock music, and we want to get the message out that Ealing's arts venues are alive and flourishing."

Nick Pearson of OPEN Ealing explained, "We can use this to raise Ealing's profile and attract people from outside the borough to visit our arts venues."

19 December 2012

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