Ealing Woman is Truly Special

Charlotte Speechly becomes a regular copper

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A Special Constable from Ealing who chased and caught a 'phone thief last week whilst off duty in West London has celebrated becoming a regular along with more than 200 others.

Charlotte Speechley, who is just 5' 3", was driving past a roundabout when a woman shouted: "Help, help, he's snatched my 'phone."

The 27-year-old have-a-go heroine promptly followed a man running off in the opposite direction in her car. She leapt out of the vehicle and jumped on top of the suspect, restraining him with the help of a passerby.

Charlotte, who is based in Ealing, said "I didn't stop to think, I just gave chase. My window was open so I heard all the shouting for help. I just followed him in my car and once I had him under control I got someone to call my colleagues and my Inspector came along and arrested him.

"It's not the first time this sort of thing has happened, I stopped to help a cyclist who was hit by a car when off duty as well. My mum is beginning to despair."

Deputy Commissioner and Reviewing Officer Tim Godwin, joined families, friends and dignitaries for his last Parade as he retired from the MPS. He was also presented with the Baton of Honour for his services to policing.

Superintendent Nicola Dale, said: "Tim has been at the helm of the Met with clear and unequivocal leadership. He has numerous successes to be very proud of. He set up Safer Neighbourhoods teams in every ward in London. He's also the first Commissioner to have a blog and confront a pot-bellied pig!"

Tim added: "To explain about the pot bellied pig, I was chasing a suspect through a garden and landed on top of the animal. It really was not amused and pursued me - which in retrospect was immensely silly of me. You may have moments like that but you will also be part of the best police service in the world. I will miss you all."

Another Special to become a regular was Sachin Vishram, 24, who has volunteered for the MPS for ten years; firstly as a Cadet and then as a Special. He said: "This is what I always wanted to do. I started as a police cadet when I was 14. I am so happy to be getting paid for what I really love doing. It's a fantastic day."

The Parade recognises the hard work and dedication displayed by recruits during their intensive training. Music was provided by the Grenadier Guards. This was the second group of Specials to take the MSC to PC course.

The MPS's new recruitment pathway was endorsed last December. Recruits are chosen from a highly trained pool of Specials. The group was the second to be offered training in recognition of their commitment and operational experience.

They were given a programme specifically tailored to build on their previous skills, including a Policing, Law and Communities course (PLC) followed by continued assessments and intensive practical training. The trainee officers will now return to their borough

22nd December 2011

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