Ealing Police Officer Sacked Over Sex Harassment

No criminal action taken following the allegations


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An Ealing based police officer has been sacked following allegations of harassment of two female officers.

In September 2010 two female members of police staff claimed that they had been subjected to sexual touching, assault and harassment by the police constable.

The matter was fully investigated by the Directorate of
Professional Standards and the officer arrested, but on the advice of the CPS, no further criminal action was taken against him.

The Police Constable aged 40, who hasn't been identified, was brought before a misconduct hearing following a Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) investigation and found to have committed gross misconduct.

Commander Peter Spindler, in charge of the DPS said:

" We do not want people in this organisation who believe they can victimise their colleagues. This officer's offensive behaviour has let everyone down, the people he worked
with and the public he was paid to serve, it is only right that he has been
dismissed from the service"

The matter was then dealt with by way of internal discipline and the evidence put before a misconduct panel. The panel found the case proven and the officer was dismissed yesterday (22nd December).

23rd December 2011


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