Ealing Today Quiz Winner!

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A big congratulations to David Whitelam from W5 who managed to get all the answers in the photo quiz correct.

A bottle of bubbly is on the way to him.

The answers - which were from stories featured in 2009 are listed below.


1 Professional Beckham lookey-likey Andy Harmer
He was part of the Fit for the Future festival aimed at 13 to 19 year olds at Ealing Town Hall (Juy 25th)
2 Empire Cinema- still a facade despite planning approval being passed 5 years ago and it being demolished in February
3 David Pearce Priest and ex teacher of St Benedict's sentenced for indecent assault
4 Shappy Korsandi Performed at the Drayton Court comedy night

5 Amanda Redman Principal of Ealing's Artists Theatre School - alleges she is under 50 despite evidence suggesting to the contrary
6 Arcadia development Secretary of State ruled out the development in Ealing
7 Martin Smith Ealing Council's new Chief Executive
8 Ealing annual Beer Festival

9  65 Bus The most complained about bus in London
10 Morse's House Squatters cause damage to the house used to film Morse
11 Lido Junction Pedestrian safety improvements much discussed
12 Chris Jagger Band played at the Blues festival in Walpole park

13 London Mela Gunnersbury Park event now in 7th year
14 Boris Johnson Listens to local campaigners about improvements to Ealing Broadway Station
15 Lewis Hamilton Visiting Charlotte's Place
16 West Ealing Library reopens


January 7th, 2010