Bubbling With Excitement - The Ealing Today Christmas Quiz!

Have a go and you could win a bottle of champagne

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Send in your answers to editor@ealingtoday.co.uk and (as a tie break) add your ideas for Ealing Today in 2010. How can the site be improved?

The winner will be announced early in the new year.


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Wishing all members and visitors to the site a very Happy Christmas and New Year 2010.

Here's a little quiz to keep you going over the holiday period.Take a look at the 16 photos below and name the person (or persons), place or event featured and why they were making news in Ealing.

The answers can all be found in newsletters from the last six months.

There's a bottle of bubbly for the winner - you must be signed up for our free newsletter. 

Send in your answers to editor@ealingtoday.co.uk along with any thoughts on how the site can be improved. Winner announced early in the New Year.

Good Luck!




December 23rd,2009