Money For Nothing!

If you have a child under 3 - you could qualify


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Nearly 200 families will be soon be given a £50 handout for turning up at sessions at Ealing's Children's Centres.

It's part of a government initiative to encourage more people to make bettter use of services available.

If you have a child under the age of three and have never visited one of Ealing's Children's Centres you may be entitled - up to £250 is on offer.

The first £50 is paid upon completion of a four-session programme which may include healthy eating, confidence building and English classes.

Sessions are set up for parents, children or both together. The idea is people come to the centres, start accessing services, start building their social confidence and become more aware of what opportunities there are for them and their families.

The 12-week programme, which pays out £150, is intended for families with a household income of less than £20,000.

The money is tax-free and does not affect any benefits.

This pilot programme started last September with three children's centres providing services, it is now available at 12 centres and by April it will rise to 15 centres across the borough.

Nearly 200 families are about to complete the first four-session programme. These families have either never visited a children's centre or have not done so for the past six months.


Find out more - contact the Family Information Service

0208 825 5588




February 10th, 2010

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