Hanwell Bar Loses Licence After Violence

Follows a series of incidents at Carthage


Hanwell Bar Closed After Violence

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Carthage Restaurant and Bar in Hanwell has lost its licence after the owner failed to run the premises in a 'proper' manner.

It follows a number of incidents at bar including one in which a man was allegedly glassed by a woman, and police described the owner as 'intoxicated.'

Councillor Ranjit Dheer, cabinet member for community services and safety, said: “This is a great example of the work carried out by regulatory services and police officers to keep our communities safe. We cannot allow businesses to operate unlawfully and will always take action against anyone caught breaking the law and making a nuisance of themselves.”

The licence was revoke by Ealing Council sub committee on these grounds: 

    On the evidence presented to the Sub Committee, it was clear to the Members of the Sub Committee that there was a manifest inability and/or unwillingness to run the premises in a proper manner. In particular, the Sub Committee noted the following –

  • ·        A serious incident of crime and disorder had taken place on the premises, which had resulted in the Police making an application for an expedited review hearing.
  • ·        When questioned by the Police at the time of the incident, it appeared to the Police that Mr Louati, the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS), was intoxicated.
  • ·        Contrary to the Licence conditions, there had been no working CCTV in place for some considerable time, and no CCTV footage was available of the incident of serious crime and disorder that took place at the premises on Thursday, 27th July 2013.
  • ·        Mr Louati, when questioned during the Summary Review proceedings, had demonstrated a lack of knowledge and understanding regarding the licensing objectives.
  • ·        Despite a Noise Abatement Notice being issued, there continued to be noise complaints from residents.
  • ·        The Council’s Noise Team had confirmed that there continued to be a public nuisance caused by excessive noise emanating from the premises late at night.
  • ·        There did not appear to be a sensible staffing rota in place that would meet the requirements of the staffing conditions in the licence.
  • ·        Staff employed by Mr Louati were employed on an ad hoc, casual basis and did not appear to be appropriately trained or qualified.
  • ·        The Sub Committee members were of the view that Mr Louati, as the DPS, was responsible for the poor management of the premises.
  •     The Sub Committee members were concerned that it was a condition of the licence that alcohol could only be sold with a substantial table meal, and that the premises kitchen had been closed following an inspection by Environmental Health Officers.
  •     A further concern for Members was that that Environmental Health Officers had not been able to carry out a subsequent inspection of the premises kitchen to see if the works required to the kitchen had been completed.

 The licence holder has 21 days to appeal against the decision.




19th September 2013




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