Sniffing Out The Cannabis Farms

'Mock' factory warns local residents of dangers close to home

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Pictures show Councillor David Millican visiting the Mock Cannabis Farm in the mobile Police van


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An Ealing Councillor is urging residents to alert police if they have any suspicians about houses on their road.

Following his visit to the Police's Operation Hawk Mock Cannabis Farm Councillor David Millican, Conservative Group Leader, said:

"There are too many cannabis farms popping up in our neighbourhoods and I call on residents to be vigilant and tell the police if they suspect that a house near them might be one. There have been 9 found in Northfields alone in the past 3 or 4 years.

"Yesterday I visited the mock up Cannabis Farm which the Police had set up in a converted police van.

"Over the past year or so I have visited several houses, after the police have busted them, and have been shocked. There were quite literally pot plants in every room. The houses are a such a fire hazard as they need so much electric power. Indeed there was a fire in one house a few years ago.

"If you suspect something then tell the Police"



22nd May 2013


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