Southall Brothel Closed Down

Nobody allowed to enter Clifton Road house for three months

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Brothel in Southall closed down





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A brothel in Southall has been closed after complaints from local residents.

On Wednesday, 17 March, Ealing Magistrates Court granted an order for a three month Premises Closure on the property in Clifton Road, Southall.

Neighbours had complained of drugs misuse and prostitution at the house for a number of months and were living in fear of the activities.

The closure is part of Operation Equinox, a Met-wide initiative to reduce violence with injury and anti-social behaviour across London.

Sergeant Nick Green, from the Police ASB Team at Ealing Council said:

“This is an excellent piece of work from PC Vickie McCartney-Hewison, who has not only worked hard to protect the local community, but also to ensure that the welfare of a vulnerable person is considered and cared for. Premises that are used for drugs and cause misery to local residents will not be tolerated on Ealing Borough”.

The closure order, granted by the Court, means that no one is allowed on the premises for three months. The house has been secured and boarded up to prevent anyone from gaining access.

Police ask that any such behaviour is reported by calling 101, alternatively to remain anonymous, Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


20th March 2015