Councillor Accused Of 'Highly Unprofessional Behaviour'

after making personal allegations about constituent

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A senior Conservative Councillor has made startling allegations about a local constituent on a personal website.

David Millican who represents Ealing Northfield ward and is cabinet member for Regeneration and Transport was responding to Rupa Huq's blog.

Ms Huq (sister of Blue Peter's Konnie) is a Labour candidate for neighbouring Walpole ward.

She had written on a number of issues including plans of Toby Young to launch his own school in Acton.

Mr Millican was the first to comment on the entry entitled 'Circus comes to town', and wrote:

''I suppose I don’t blame your hypocrisy, or should I say lack of honesty, moaning about Toby Young wanting to set up a school in Acton. After all everyone wants the best for their children.

''I remember you coming to the Northfield Councillors’ Surgery, congratulating us Conservatives on being elected. Nauseating really, but then that was the approach you took. You were clearly buttering is up as you wanted us to pull strings, or whatever, to help get your child a place in the nearby school.''

Ms Huq says she is astonished by Mr Millican's attack and is considering taking action. She said:

''Council casework should be conducted on a confidential basis as with any professional – like with a doctor or lawyer -  so Councillor Milican should not be using a visit by me as constituent to his surgery for party political purposes.

''There is not only an Ealing Council code of conduct but prima facie a case for the Standards Board of England to investigate further. I am considering lodging a complaint about this highly unprofessional behaviour which potentially brings the office of Councillor into disrepute.''  

Mr Millican has told Ealing Today that the meeting with Ms Huq was not held in private and he has nothing further to add.


May 2, 2010


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