Backgammon Makes A Comeback in Ealing

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A small but dedicated group of Ealing backgammon players held their inaugural meeting yesterday at the Castlebar pub on the Uxbridge Road.

The players bandied together following a discussion thread on the Ealing Today forum started by Doria Schmid.

Doria says they were joined yesterday by top player Peter Bennet who won ‘The most courteous player of the year award’ at the London Open.

She adds: '' He is incredibly nice and really deserves his award. It was a treat to play with him. Just watching him play and you feel already that you are learning a lot. It was one of the best evenings I had for a long time.''

The group are players with various abilities and are urging anyone interested to come along and have fun.

They will be meeting every Tuesday evening at 7.30 at the Castelbar, starting on Tuesday the 12 of June.





31st May 2012

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