A New Recording and Rehearsal Studios For Ealing?

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Would you like quality Recording & Rehearsal studios inside Ealing Town Hall, with parking, food and drink to hand and in a safe environment?

If you would, join with Ealing Arts + Leisure* in helping this happen and fill out their Music Survey. Available from www.ealingarts.org.uk. Then return the survey to ealingartssurvey@hotmail.co.uk

As a token of appreciation for your input, all the completed surveys (past and present) will be entered into a prize draw. Your E mail address is necessary for this. The prize for the chosen entry is a free recording or rehearsal session in the new studios (when built).

The strength of the support shown will help determine whether or not Ealing Arts + Leisure * gets the go-ahead from the council to build the studios in the Town Hall. So, musicians, lend a hand – or contact any musicians you might know. Pass the word on.

The music studios will be a part of an Arts Centre complex offering music, drama, dance, arts, crafts, teaching, workshops, lectures and meetings. Ealing Arts+Leisure is in discussion with the Council to convert the larger part of the town hall into an Arts Centre for Ealing. If the EA+L project gets the go-ahead, the town hall would continue to be available to current users but the offices would be freed up for clubs and Societies. The Councillors and their support staff would continue to operate from there.

If you would like to add your name to the fast growing Arts Centre supporters’ list, please sign and return the supporter’s letter on www.ealingarts.org.uk

*Ealing Arts+Leisure is a voluntary umbrella organisation for arts and leisure groups in Ealing. It produces the bi-monthly Diary of Events and works to stimulate the arts in Ealing

For more detailed info : secretary@ealingarts.org.uk Tel: 020 8579 4925






April 21, 2010


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