An Abundance of Elderflowers in Ealing

Get picking and make a delicious cordial

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Volunteers Veronica and Kirsten

Elderflowers in bloom at Elthorne

West Ealing Abundance Project


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A group of volunteers from WEN Abundance went out picking elderflowers last weekend and found rich pickings in Walmer Gardens and particularly Elthorne Park.

We hurried back to start the cordial making process and reckon from this batch we'll get around 140 bottles of cordial that we will be selling at Hanwell Carnival on the 18th June and Pitshanger Party in the Park on the 26th June.

This year the eldeflowers are much earlier, and there's plenty for everyone. 

So why not step out this week and look for yourself? Diluted with fizzy water and a slice of lemon, the cordial makes a lovely summer drink.  The recipe can be found here


Diane Gill











25th May 2011

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