Attempted Abduction of Woman in Northolt

Teenager struggled with men who pulled up in car at bus stop


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An 18-year-old woman managed to fight her way from a gang of men who tried to drag her into their car in Northolt.

It happened on Mandeville Road in the early hours of Sunday morning (00.40) as she waited for the 140 bus.

Police say a vehicle heading west along Mandeville Road from the direction of Petts Hill pulled up next to her.

One of the occupants asked her to get in the car. When she refused the man got out of the car grabbed hold of her arm and started pulling her towards the vehicle.

As she struggled she saw the other doors of the car opening and three other men getting out as if to assist the suspect. Panicking she struggled against the suspect, punched him in the chest and kicked him to the shin. As she did so, she saw another man running towards them shouting, from the direction of Wood End Road.

The teenager managed to break free and backed away - at the same time, all four suspects turned to get back into their car and drove off.

The suspects are described as four smartly dressed black men aged between 20 and 30 years.

The vehicle is described as a dark hatchback similar in style/size to a Volkswagen Golf. It had tinted windows, shiny alloy rims with an angular pattern and red seating.

Detective Constable Tunbridge, of Ealing CID, said: "We are appealing for anyone who witnessed the offence take place or have any information of the vehicle to come forward. Please call police on 020 8721 7070 or 101."

4th March 2013

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