One Library Door Opens But Others May Shut

Wood End Library is refurbished - the fate of others hangs in the balance


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A library in Greenford has re-opened after a major refurbishment, but the news will provide little comfort to campaigners fighting to save their local facilities.

The Wood End Library and Childrens Centre project was funded through the government’s Sure Start scheme with Ealing Council contributing £300,000 from the library service capital fund.

It includes a modern library with access to computers, study space and a wide range of learning opportunities. It will also provide links to Job Centre Plus, activities for children and adults, early childhood programmes and health services.

Council Leader Julian Bell, said: “We are really proud of the new centre. It’s an exciting opportunity for people of all ages to enjoy using the centre together. We hope this new hub will become a central focus for the community and will become a more valuable community resource.”

The Council has been conductiing a consultation about library services and currently in the process of deciding whether five book-lending services will be scrapped to help meet £65m of cuts.

Conservative group leader Councillor David Millican said:

'' This is a wonderful new facility for the Wood End community and I am pleased that the Coalition Government is still funding the provision of Sure Start Children's Centres. However I have met many people in Northolt Village who have told me how horrified they are that the Council is considering closing the newly opened Library which is part of the leisure centre.
We have collected a petition signed by hundreds and hundreds of people wanting to keep open this new Library.''

Wood End Library and Childrens Centre, Whitton Avenue West, Greenford, Middlesex UB6 0EE is open:

- Tuesday and Thursday 9am - 6pm
- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9am - 5pm
- The library is closed on Sunday and Monday.

For more information about the borough’s libraries visit

The council is in the process of reviewing the borough’s library service. Results of the recent public consultation will be considered in July.


26 May 2011

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