Southall to Benefit From £7million Improvements

Plans include an apprentice- led restaurant taining around 400 students


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It's hoped that an injection of cash into Southall town centre will tackle traffic problems, create jobs and training opportunities and regenerate the area.

The council has been awarded £4.35million from the Mayor of London’s Regeneration Fund. Together with Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding from TfL and council cash, that means new investment totaling more than £6.85million for the town.

As part of the plan the council’s cabinet has already approved the Southall Broadway Urban Realm project. The three-year, £4.5million initiative will improve the appearance and safety of Southall Broadway.

Plans include improving traffic flow along the Uxbridge Road corridor, creating a safer environment for pedestrians by widening pavements and improved loading and parking bays along the main road.

Proposals include plans for an apprentice-led restaurant and training facility at Southall Manor House, called Dine in Southall. This would train around 400 students annually, as well as provide much-needed apprenticeship opportunities. The project will help those already working in restaurants locally to improve their skills and give a boost to the catering industry.

Southall’s high streets will also be revitalised with improvements to public spaces and shop fronts, as well as longer-term work developing the new Crossrail station. It is expected the investment will help unlock growth in the area through creating 40 new businesses, 200 new jobs, and increasing footfall.

Council Leader, Councillor Julian Bell, said: “It’s fantastic that we’ve been able to secure this funding and can now start to deliver some of our ambitious plans for the regeneration of Southall. I know residents and businesses alike will be delighted that we’ve won this investment and will be looking forward to work starting.

“I’m particularly passionate about the plans to create the new apprentice-led restaurant and training kitchens. Southall has long been known as one of the best places in the UK to go for a curry and a huge number of people depend on the catering industry for their livelihood. Southall is a great place to establish this facility, which will help young people through offering apprenticeships and give a general boost to the catering industry.”

Detailed plans are still being drawn-up and further announcements will be made later in the year.

 18th January 2012


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