Four More Primary Schools Could Expand |
Council wants opinions on primary school places Families in Ealing and Hanwell are to be asked their views on potential primary school expansions, as a new round of council consultation gets underway. In April it was agreed that 210 permanent new reception-year places would be created at eight schools across the borough. A decision to expand a primary school in Hanwell was deferred, for further consultation in the Ealing and Hanwell areas. Ealing Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Ian Gibb, said: “The number of children born in the borough has increased considerably and the council has a responsibility to plan for this growth. “We have already announced plans to expand eight primary schools across the borough but we estimate a further 60 reception-year places will be needed in Ealing and Hanwell by 2010.'' No decisions have been made yet as to which schools - or the number of schools - that could be expanded to meet demand for the future An online questionnaire is now available, asking residents to nominate which four schools they would like to see made bigger and to rank the key factors that should influence the council’s final decision. The online survey can be accessed at All online and written responses are due by 17 July.
June 16, 2009 |