The Torch in Ealing - Your Pictures

Some great images shared via the social network site, twitter

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Scott Clooney @scottclooney1 says this was an accidental shot - his daughter's flag blew in front of the torch as it passed by. Accident or not I think it's rather iconic.

Now that's impressively close! tweeted by Tony Wang @Tonyw



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Boris Becker and the flame at Northala Fields
From Mandy Hancock @hanc66

Boris Becker holds up the Olympic Flame on top of the mound at Northala Fields
From Council Leader, Julian Bell @juliangbell


Torch Kiss at Hanwell Clock
From J odonnell ‏@Holly_TT

Local MP, Angie Bray, @AngieBrayMP enjoying the torch relay in West Ealing. She tweeted: '' Great2join the crowd in West #Ealing to celebrate the Olympic Torch going by. #ealingtorch has done the Games proud.;


And you can view again (courtsey of @juliangbell) the moment in Walpole Park where Tom Thacker carried the torch onto the stage and lit the cauldron:


Ealing Council estimate around 150,000 turned out to welcome the torch to the borough.

What a day!



25th July 2012

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