Ealing's 'Once in A Lifetime' Day

The Olympic torch received a huge welcome throughout the borough

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I don't think it was just me that got rather emotional today. I defy anyone not to have felt a bit teary and overwhelmed on this very unique occasion.

The Olympic Torch hit Ealing on 24/07/2012  - a gloriously hot and sunny day - not a cloud to be seen in the sky, a day that will be remembered.

Tens of thousands lined the route from Northala Fields through Southall, Hanwell, West Ealing to end up at an amazing party in Walpole Park.

In the packed and very hot park, eight thousand more enjoyed lively entertainment right up to the main event.

(Twist and Pulse)

Loick Essien (above) rocked the park

As the torch was carried on stage by Tom Thacker, 30, from Southall, and as the flame was transferred to the gold cauldron a massive cheer erupted filling Walpole Park.

Ealing Council Leader, Julian Bell described it as 'just amazing' a 'once in a lifetime' experience.

It was one incredible moment, part of one incredible day, and I'm very glad to have been part of it.


Annemarie Flanagan







Did you enjoy Ealing's day in the sun?


24th July 2012


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