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Local Councillor David Millican writes:

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Many thanks to all those of you who have supported our campaign to try and keep Northfields Library open. At Full Council last week we made it perfectly clear to the Council leadership that many people had contacted us, as Northfield Councillors, to tell us that it made no sense to close our local library.

Public meeting: Just a reminder that you are invited to a public meeting this Wednesday 13 April at 7:00 pm at Northfields Community Centre, 71a Northcroft Road, W13 9SS.

Cllr Julian Bell, the Council Leader and Cllr Kamaljit Dhindsa, the Councillor responsible for Libraries, Culture, Parks etc, will both be there to hear the views of residents.

Petitions: Thank you to those of you who have signed the petition we have organised and I am aware that some of you have organised other petitions, which is great news. If sufficient residents sign a petition then that would force a debate at Full Council. This means that the organiser, of a large petition, would have the chance to speak directly in the Council Chamber to all Councillors. This is a golden opportunity for the Council leadership to understand the community's strength of feeling.

If you have organised a petition, of whatever size, please do contact me, or either of the other Northfield Councillors, Cllr Phil Taylor or Cllr Mark Reen, so we can co-ordinate the response.

Mark, Phil and I hope to see you on Wednesday at the public meeting

Councillor David Millican
Representing Northfield Ward
Opposition Spokesman on Education & Children's Services
44 Claygate Road | London | W13 9XG
020 8810 1989


12/April 2011


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