What's In A Name?

Got any ideas as to what Ealing's new school should be called?


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Get your creative thinking caps on - you're being asked to come up with ideas for Greenford's new school.

The high school is due to open in September 2013 and will be run by the team behind the Twyford Church of England High School and the London Diocese Board for Schools.

It will be housed in a new building constructed on the former GlaxoSmithKline Sports and Social Ground in Oldfield Lane North, subject to planning permission. When full, it will have places for 1200 11 to 16 year olds and a sixth form with places for 250 students and a centre for children with special educational needs.

A booklet has been published outlining proposals for how the school will be run and funded, its admissions policy and how it will work with the local community. Residents are being asked to give their views on the proposals, including suggesting a name for the new school, by completing the questionnaire at the back of the booklet or online.

A newsletter is being sent to households close to the site explaining how to get more information. The booklet will be available at libraries, community centres, local schools and ward forum meetings. It can also be completed online at www.necea.org.uk.

There will also be two public meetings where residents can meet the team behind the school, hear more about their plans and ask questions. The details of the meetings are as follows:

- Thursday 19th January, 3.30 – 6.30 p.m. at The Edward Betham Church of England Primary School, Oldfield Lane South, Greenford, UB6 9JU.

- Wednesday 8th February, 3.30 – 6.30 p.m. at Horsenden Primary School, Horsenden Lane North, Greenford, UB6 0PB.

Councillor Patricia Walker, cabinet member for Children and Young People, said: “Local families have waited a long time for this new high school. Now that it is going ahead, I hope they will get involved and have their say. This is going to be their school and their views are going to be central in shaping it.”

Alice Hudson, Executive Headteacher, said, “There has already been a lot of local involvement in the project via the primary schools. We now want to cast the net wider to ensure that all local people, residents, businesses, parents and children tell us what their priorities are for the new school. ”

To find out more about the proposed academy, go to www.necea.org.uk.

Do you have any ideas for a name? Discuss on the forum



20 December 2011


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