'Overbearing, Unneighbourly and Out of Character'

Ealing Councillors object to Reynard Mills planning application

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Councillors from Ealing's Northfield ward have sent objections to a neighbouring authority over a major new housing development planned for the Hounslow/Ealing border.

The Reynard Mills Trading Estate on Windmill Road  (which straddles W5/TW8) could become the home to five tower blocks, housing 1,000 more people, if an application from property investors Invista Real Estate is approved.

Councillors Mark Reen, David Millican and Phil Taylor have written to the Hounslow authority outlining concerns over the scale of the plans, and the imapct on the neighbouring area of Ealing.

Councillor Reen says: ''The development is overbearing, unneighbourly in size and form and is correspondingly out of character with the largely edwardian/victorian character of the local streetscene.

''It will contribute to parking spill over into Ealing, rat running along Ealing residential streets and strain an already over-parked local road network.

''The scheme makes no allowance for the increase in child population, no provision for amenity space for residents with regards to communal space and will dominate its surroundings to an unacceptable extent. The lack of social infrastructure alone is reason for refusal.

''I ask you to refuse the application as inconsitent with London Plan policy 3A.2 as this does not constitute sustainable development.''


The application will be considered on 30th August. The deadline for submission of objections has been extended until 26th July.

Email objections should be sent to: Nikolas.Smith@hounslow.gov.uk

Postal objections should be addressed to:
Nikolas Smith
Development Control
London Borough of Hounslow
The Civic Centre
Lampton Road
Hounslow TW3 4DN

Please quote:
Reynard Mills Planning Application - Reference P/2011/1516
on your submission.



22nd July 2011







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