New Boss for Ealing Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Annabel Fogden to head up local business association


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Annabel Fogden is to take over as General Manager of Ealing Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Annabel, who takes up her new role at the beginning of July, has headed up the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry's (LCCI) World Trade team for the last five years and has worked at the LCCI since 1994.

Her role in Ealing will involve further developing the Chamber as a key business support network for companies as well as raising both the profile of the Chamber and its engagement with local businesses.

Cora Corrigan, Chairman of Ealing Chamber of Commerce and Industry said:
"I am delighted that Annabel is coming to work with us in Ealing. She has a strong record of working with businesses, especially small and medium sized ones, helping them to achieve their potential and I am confident that her experience will be a great asset to Ealing."

Annabel Fogden said: "I'm really pleased to be taking over in Ealing at a time when companies need the type of help and support that the Chamber can offer. I look forward to working with businesses to help them, and Ealing, thrive and grow."

June 21, 2012


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