Heartless Post Office Cashier Steals Thousands From Deaf Customer

Vulnerable pensioner put her trust in the cashier


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A Post Office cashier in Ealing has been jailed for stealing over £20,000 from a deaf customer who trusted her to assist with banking arrangements.

Jeyaruban Sivayokini, age 37 of Randolph Road, Southall appeared at Isleworth Crown Court last week for her trial, during which she declined to give evidence.

She was unanimously found guilty of theft by the jury and sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

The court ordered a confiscation enquiry to establish what assets she has that can be used to recover the stolen monies. Sivayokini will be required to repay the amount stolen from any assets she owns or serve a further sentence of imprisonment if she fails to pay within the specified time.

In 2010 the victim, a vulnerable deaf lady aged in her 60s, received weekly payments from the Dept of Work and Pensions and withdrew £130 from her local Post Office in Ealing every Monday using her account card and PIN number.

Due to her communication difficulties, the victim preferred to deal with one particular cashier at the Post Office - the defendant. Over time, the victim came to trust Sivayokini and it is believed that she left the account card with her. It is also believed that she had also given her PIN to Sivayokini or the number had been compromised by other means.

Police were alerted to the thefts in July 2010 by a deafPlus care worker after it was discovered that an £18,000 back-dated pension payment made in April 2010 had been withdrawn from the account.

Financial analysis of the accounts indicated that £22,194.69 had been stolen from the victim between 8th February 2010 and 19th July 2010. During this period, nearly £13,500 was paid into bank accounts held by Sivayokini, over and above the legitimate earnings of both her and her husband.

Sivayokini was subsequently arrested on 19th July 2010.

PC Bowman from Ealing Police said: 'I am very grateful to the deafPLUS charity for their assistance and for supporting the victim and making this investigation possible.

"The MPS is committed to providing vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community with appropriate representation in the criminal justice system, and I am pleased with the outcome of this case. Anyone who thinks that they can take advantage of the vulnerable and get away with it had better think again."

The circumstances of this case also highlights that people need to take great care with their benefit payment cards and PIN details. The cards and PIN details are issued on the understanding that they remain secure. By disclosing the details to a third party, if your account becomes compromised and money goes missing, the card issuer will not be liable for your losses. Never disclose your PIN details to anyone else.

5th March 2012


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