Police Hunt Man After Sexual Assault in West Ealing

Pictures issued of suspect believed to be regular visitor to local pubs


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Police have released pictures of a man they wish to speak to in connection with a serious sexual assault which took place in West Ealing.

They are asking for help from members of the public after previous enquiries failed to identify who carried out the attack which took place on 27th September 2011.

PC Anneliese Tomlinson, said: "We have exhausted all other lines of enquiry and are hoping that a member of the public may recognise who he is.

"We believe he has links to the area of West Ealing and is a regular visitor here especially to some of the local pubs.

"Although it was nearly two years ago the images are very good and we hope someone may recognise him and this may lead us to identify him."

If you know this man please contact PC Tomlinson on 020 8733 3390 or if you wish to remain anonymous Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

October 4, 2013