Ealing Rioter Jailed Again

Sabaoon Hillaman convicted of insurance scam


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A 24 year old man from Greenford who had previously been jailed for participating in the riot in Ealing last summer has been give a further jail term for insurance fraud.

Sabaoon Hillaman, 24, of Ruislip Road, was jailed for four years and 10 months for conspiracy to defraud. This is on top of a five and a half year sentence he received last year for violent disorder in Ealing Green on 8th August.

Sabaoon Hillaman

Sabaoon Hillaman

Hillaman, an Afghan national, was spotted on CCTV at the time of the riots. He was seen grabbing a fire extinguisher and throwing it through the window of Big Jim's Trims barber shop. He caused £3,000 worth of damage to the shop. He was part of a group that set fire to two cars and looted shops. At the time he was on bail in relation to the fraud charges.

Police had been engaged in a five year investigation called Operation Saisir which was looking at the operations of accident management company called Real Accident Help Line. The gang involved staged over 250 accidents and then submitted fraudulent claims for personal injury, repairs and other expenses relating to the fake accidents.

August 16, 2012