Hanger Hill SNT Team Visit Local Nursery

Children at St. Augustine's learn about personal safety


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This week officers from the Hanger Hill Safer Neighbourhoods Team visited St Augustine’s Nursery on Hillcrest Road, W5.

The topics explained to the children were road safety, “stranger danger” as well as the emergency number and who to call when in trouble.

The team also covered topics such as personal safety in vehicles as well as other topics.

Stickers were given out to all the children, and they were all encouraged to ask questions. The children were really interested in testing the police equipment. The children also had a chance to play with the radio’s and wear police officer and police community support officer headwear, they also got a close look at handcuffs.

A teacher from the nursery said “The children were very excited about being able to wear the police headgear and investigate the police equipment they really enjoyed wearing the hats and playing with the radio’s”.

PCSO Syed said 'It was such a rewarding experience interacting with such young children they were so excited to see police, hopefully somebody out of the class might be a future police officer”.

June 20, 2012