Classic Cinema Club For Ealing

Four world film screenings at Ealing Town Hall

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Classic Cinema Programme

Friday, 13 May Lights is a 1931 American silent film and romantic comedy-drama  starring Charlie Chaplin. Other leads were Virginia Cherrill and Harry Myers. Although "talking" pictures were on the rise from 1928, City Lightswas immediately popular. Today it is thought of as one of the highestaccomplishments of Chaplin's prolific career. Although classified as a comedy, City Lights has an ending widely regarded as one of the most moving in cinema history.(text fromWikipedia). Charlie Chaplin produced, directed, starred in, edited and wrote the music for this film!

Friday, 20 May is a 1927 German expressionist film in the science-fiction genre directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia  and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis  between workers and owners in capitalism.   The most expensive silent film ever made, it cost approximately 5 million Reichsmark.

(text from Wikipedia)

Friday, 27 May

  Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Grozniy) is a two-part historical epic film about Ivan IV of Russia made by Russian director Sergei Eisenstein. Part 1 was released in 1944. The subject matter, a ruthless dictator gaining total control of his country, is as pertinent today as it was in 1944. Like Metropolis, this is a masterpiece of storytelling and of photography. Its unforgettable, powerful images convey the depth of human emotion.  You will remember the eyes!

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Residents of Ealing will no doubt be delighted that the Classic Cinema Club-Ealing will open its doors on 13 May at Ealing Town Hall.
Organised by film enthusiasts, assisted by Ealing Arts + Leisure and financially supported by Ealing Broadway Ward Forum, this film club will run a programme called "World Cinema".  There will be four weekly screenings per month, creating a season on one theme - mostly a chosen country (France, Russia, India, China, etc). 

Some of the great classics of these countries are to be shown.

The first "season" contains three of the most famous and most influential black and white films of all time: Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" (1931) on 13 May; Fritz Lang's amazing "Metropolis" (Germany 1927) on 20 May and Sergei Eisenstein's "Ivan the Terrible" (Russia, 1944)  on 27 May. 

All screenings start at 7pm sharp and will be followed by a short discussion. 

Tickets cost £7.50 and £6 concessions on production of a document.  Tickets may be reserved (but not bought) in advance by writing to of phoning 020 8579 4925. Membership is also available at £5.

Ann Pavett
Classic Cinema Club-Ealing

April 27, 2011

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