Sentenced For Housing Benefit Fraud

Woman will have to pay back the £32,000 she falsely claimed


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A woman's been given a suspended jail sentence after fraudulently claiming £32,000 in housing benefit for a home owned by the father of her children.

Cecil Godinho, 50, rented the property in Templeman Road, W7, from a private landlord and claimed housing benefit from February 2006.

In June 2007 the house was bought by the father of her children, but she continued to claim housing benefit and failed to declare she was no longer liable to pay rent to her previous landlord.

Godinho was given a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, was ordered to carry out 200 hours unpaid community work and has to pay £200 towards the council’s prosecution costs. She pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing.

Councillor Yvonne Johnson, cabinet member for finance and performance, said: “Benefits are there to support the most vulnerable in society so it is a disgrace that someone knowingly claims thousands of pounds they aren’t entitled to. Miss Godinho is lucky not to have been sent to prison over such a serious matter and she will now have to pay back what she wrongly claimed. She should be thoroughly ashamed of herself and I hope she will now stay out of trouble.”

Godinho will have to repay the money she fraudulently claimed.

Anyone with any information about a benefit cheat can report their suspicions anonymously via the council’s 24-hour fraud hotline on 0800 328 6453 (free from landlines) or email

9th November 2011

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