New Term - New Body

Lucy Case from The Body Fitness Company Ltd offers expert advice

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Lucy Case

The Body Fitness Company

Zumba classes at Elthorne Sports Centre, St Thomas (W7), and St Faiths (Tw8)

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As the Autumnal air becomes crisp with anticipation of the winter months ahead, it is easy to think, that with summer behind us, the pressure on a “bikini body” is a long distant blur. However, experience tells us that feeling slim and trim helps us to feel good about ourselves, and that a “jelly belly” lowers self esteem and makes us feel lethargic.

As the New Term starts, why not approach your own fitness disciplines in a similar way? Ask your self how you REALLY want to be when the next new term starts and find out what the REAL obstacles are to you achieving this.

There is the matter of self will, but there are also practical issues, there is no point in planning to train every day if you cannot afford the gym membership you want, or deciding your best time of day to exercise is 4pm, when you have to take the children to an after school activity.

Top tips for finding (and sticking with) a new execrise regime

1. Know exactly what your limitations are time wise and allocate three slots a week which you are almost 95% sure you can achieve. Talk to others and get support from a partner, friend or family member, do a swap with each other’s children if need be.

2. Know exactly what your financial limitations are: if you can afford a Personal Trainer great, if not find a local class or gym in a Sports Centre, use a park with a friend, or by a DVD or some basic equipment to use at home.

3. Know what motivates you. For one person it may be the sociability and music of a dance class, for another the environment of aqua, for another the rhythm of headphones and jogging, for another the quiet talking of Pilates.

4. Know what is best for your body. Make sure you are selecting appropriate exercise for your goals, age and current fitness level. For example: If you are new to exercise it may be worth considering building up your stamina by joining a group walking class (gentle cardio) , a beginner Pilates class (gentle core and tone) or an aqua class (weight baring cardio and toning),

5. Know how to keep it interesting: . Why not make all three sessions different, this way you learn three disciplines, have three groups of friends and also develop strengths in three different areas . For example, if you want to be fit with great abs why not do Zumba one day (abs and cardio), cross trainer 40 mins (abs and cardio) another day and stretch and tone or yoga (for lengthening of muscles, strength and relaxation) on the last day.

Lucy Case

August 30, 2011

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